Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Another Week, Another Harvest...

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If you're in Santa Cruz and looking for dessert, you picked a good week. We delivered a case each of Buddha's Hand Citrons and Yuzus to Ristorante Avanti today. The Penny is fashioning a Yuzu flavored ice cream as well. They are also working their magic on a couple of cases of Owari Satstuma Mandarins. The scoop is that last week's kiwi ice cream is off the hook too. It should be in the bins by next week or so. In addition, be sure to ask for fresh Meyer Lemon lemonade and keep an eye out for our Bearss Limes if you visit The Picnic Basket when they re-open this weekend. 

In other news, it's been cold and dry around here lately. An arctic blast brought us lows of 34 degrees a couple of nights ago. Brrrrrrrr deluxe, but we're grateful that there was no damage to fruit or trees. Psyched to get back to the mid-60's by the weekend. Our ducklings have doubled in size over the past 7 days. We had to replace all of the shavings in their brooder this morning because they went a bit bonkers and repeatedly toppled and dumped their quart sized waterer last night. We stepped them up to the two gallon waterer after the renovations.

Fuzzy and warm thoughts to all!