Thursday, March 30, 2017

Spring Update

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It was a busy, wet winter! The rain gauge sits at 74.82". Our weather is on the verge of stabilizing. We've had glimpses of the heat to come, only to fall back into the blustery chill. The monthly high was 81; the low was 36.

Trees and vines are waking up. Our pomegranates are fully leafed out. Buds are breaking on grapes and kiwis. The wisteria and jasmine are in full delicious bloom. Their scent greets us in the driveway.

Fortunately, Mountain Charlie remains open. It was dicey there for a bit. The winter's impressive storms tallied up $100 million in road damage in Santa Cruz County. We took down the Western Red Cedars next to the Silo, as they had started to lean in the soggy earth.

Gold Nugget Mandarins and Jincheng Sweet Oranges are going out this week and next. Tangos are still to come.

Lastly, but certainly not least, we welcomed 'Ziggy' to our family. He is a Patterdale Terrier from Lost Lake Farm. We are constantly impressed by his eagerness to please and willingness to learn.

Enjoy the sunshine!